Sickly Deer

Saw this deer on the side of the road at Bryce Canyon in Utah. I had to wait a good long while while she hobbled across the road in front of me on 3 legs. Stopped right there in the middle and just stood there. Looked to be decidin on whether she could make it the rest a the way. l was comiseratin with her thru the windshield, seein how that happens to me too now an again. She was draggin a bad rear wheel and she was pert neer skin an bones. There was lots a good eatin around and she was eatin, but it weren't doin her no good as her ribs was stickin out pretty good.

Two young ranger girls come drivin up in a truck an I told em bout the problem that deer was havin. How she couldn't walk and how she was sufferin with what ever sickness had got a hold of her. They said she'd be all right and she'd be gettin better and I shouldn't worry none.

I said I didn't think she'd be gettin better, what with her broke leg an all. I offered to put her down seein how they didn't have no guns, but they started a carryin on bout me being a mean ole man who probably hunts and kills deers an such. I told em I don't do no huntin in places with rules. They said I was probably just kiddin bout shootin that deer and I said I wasn't cause it seemed like the right thing to do. They started talkin on there radios and said I better leave before they give me a ticket for parkin on the side of the road.

That deer just stood there the whole time, bout 10 feet away listenin to the conversation. Never moved cept to switch her weight round to a good leg now an then. I agreed with the one girl bout the deer lookin like she was cryin, but I tried explainin that weren't tears comin out her eyes. I told her I don't know bout deer round these parts, but where I come from deer don't normally have pus green colored tears. That was pretty much all she wrote after that observation.

By then another ranger feller showed up and tried his best to calm things down. Them ranger girls weren't havin none of it. One of em looked to be cryin and the other was yellin and pointin over at me like I was the one that give that deer a disease and broke her leg. Even the deer tried to hobble away from all the commotion, but she give up tryin after bout 10, 12 feet.

The ranger was a nice feller and he told me things aint like they used to be and he thanked me for offerin to help out with the deer an all, but I should go ahead an leave cause he'd take care a things. So I drove off with my mind all twisted up bout the way some folks think. I thought I was bein rite neighborly. Pretty sure that deer would a thanked me for endin her pain, but them ranger girls took things the wrong way I guess.
